Here Are the Most Common Skylight Issues You Should Be Aware Of, Explained by Our San Francisco Roofers


Advantage Roofing • Sep 20, 2022

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Skylights are a fantastic way to provide natural light while also illuminating your home. They could, however, cause issues you may be unaware of. The following is a list of the most common skylight problems and solutions. When it’s time for roofing repair or installation, call the experts at Advantage Roofing in San Francisco to do the job. We also offer expert skylight installation with any roofing job we complete.

Skylight Condensation Problems

In humid areas, condensation typically collects around skylights. Small amounts of condensation are not a huge deal, but excessive amounts can lead to wall cracks and mold growth. Condensation issues are primarily caused by poor construction. If you want to prevent this problem when installing skylights, use a trained contractor. If you already have skylights, keep the surrounding windows and shutters open to encourage ventilation.


A skylight that is too big or placed incorrectly could create a greenhouse effect during the summer. The area where the skylight will be installed doesn't need to be too large to provide enough light. Choosing a tubular skylight can also help the area keep cool. Ensure that the window has a sufficient coating to block harmful UV rays. When the weather warms up, consider getting a skylight cover.

Skylight Leaks

Anything, including extreme weather and decaying leaves, can cause a skylight leak. If the material on your skylight corrodes the fasteners, the leak can get worse. As soon as you spot a leak or a damaged fastener, get in touch with a professional to schedule an inspection and repair.

Skylight Installation in San Francisco

Advantage Roofing offers expert skylight installation throughout San Francisco and the surrounding areas when completing other roofing installation services. We have a wide variety of options for skylights that look and perform excellently. We’d be happy to provide more information about these services or offer a skylight cost quote for your home. Give our local roofing contractors a call at (650) 291-6342 to learn more.

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